Must-Have Decorating Details For A Luxurious Bedtime Experience
Last week we talked about better night stands for your lifestyle. This week, we are continuing with this theme. Your bedtime experience will absolutely be improved if you add these luxury items to your bedroom. On a budget? No problem ~ these items can be bought at all price points. However, if your interested in the items shown in the picture, they are from Ralph Lauren Home. Cashmere Throw and Swing Arm Lamp from Ralph Lauren Home
#1. A carafe and glass for water in the middle of the night.
Everyone knows what it’s like to wake up with a parched throat. Why disrupt your sleep by walking to the sink? Fill a carafe with water and leave a glass next to your bed. Make the carafe and glass special. It’s a little luxury on your bedside table and you’re worth it, after all.
#2. You must have great lighting so you can read in bed.
Swing arm lamps get the light where you need it but there are plenty of other options. The point is to get something that is functional which means being able to adjust the amount of light and pin point it to where you want it.
#3. A throw blanket is a must have for every bedroom.
Sometimes you need just a little more warmth. Other times, you might want to sit on top of the covers and tuck a small throw around yourself. Get something that feels soft to the touch and looks great with the colors in your room. This is one item that can add a pop of color in your space so don’t be too matchy-matchy.