Too Much Inspiration: How To Use Pinterest & Houzz To Help You With Your Next Home Improvement Project
Do you collect images of things you like from your favorite home magazines and online sites like Pinterest and Houzz with the idea that you will use these photos for your next decorating project or home remodel? If you do, you’re not alone. But since there’s so much inspiration out there, it can become overwhelming.
I’ve heard people say they keep adding images to their files and online boards. Now what should they do with all these pictures? How can anyone cut through the clutter of too much inspiration?
Here are 4 ways to manage your photo inspiration and make the most out of it for your next home improvement project.
#1. When you’re saving a picture of a room, add a note about what draws you to the photo.
You can make your board private if you don’t want to share this information online. Why is this important? It’s essential because you don’t want to forget what you liked when you’re ready to start your project. For instance, make a note if you liked a color, a fabric, a style of furniture, a window covering, or the mix of materials in the room you’ve saved.
#2. Look for trends of what you like best about the pictures you’re saving.
Do all the rooms have a similar wall color? Or perhaps you’re drawn to upholstered sofas and chairs with one particular style of arm. Most of us find something we like and pick that same thing over and over again. That’s how we know we like it. Pay attention to any repetition of themes and make a note about it.
#3. Put like items together so you can compare them and eliminate the one you don’t like quite as much.
In other words, if you like a room painted bright yellow and another one painted mellow yellow, compare them side by side and eliminate the one you don’t like as much. Perhaps you also saved pictures of rooms painted red. Now compare your favorite yellow room with your favorite red one and eliminate one. This process of editing and eliminating photos is really important. It helps you to narrow in on what you really like.
#4. Use your images to help guide you but realize that your own home is unique and different from any photo.
This is where working with a professional designer will really benefit you. The size and scale of your room, the amount of natural light it gets and the way your room flows into others in your home should be considered before spending money on something you won’t be happy with later.