Why The Best Dressed Women Don’t have Have The Best Dressed Houses: 5 Scenarios That May Sound Familiar

It’s a contradiction. How can women who always look so effortlessly stylish have trouble with the decor of their homes? So many of the same principles apply. Whether you’re talking about a great outfit or a great room you’ll want balance in the design, contoured lines that accentuate the positive, and coordinated color and texture.

So why don’t the best dressed women have the best dressed houses? Here are 5 theories and one action item to get all your interiors as smartly appointed as your most fashionable outfits.

  1. The stakes seem bigger at home. Improving your home represents a bigger investment. Since it costs more, you worry about making a mistake. Fear leads to indecision and inaction.

  2. Decisions about home improvements feel more permanent than decisions about a wardrobe. The idea of permanence leads to fear, indecision, and inaction.

  3. Through trial and error we know what to camouflage and what to emphasize on our bodies. But you may not know what to emphasize and what to camouflage in your home. Being unsure leads to indecision and inaction.

  4. The most effortless style actually requires time, passion, and money. Women who focus on fashion may not have the same passion for interior design. Consequently, they don’t spend the time or money that would net the same results in their homes. You must invest your time and money for a home that’s worthy of you, your family, and your friends.

  5. Fashion is very accessible. Home design isn’t as readily accessible in every market. You may not know where to shop to get the looks you’re after and as a result your home improvement project stalls.

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar to you? Can you pinpoint the fear that is leading to your indecision and inaction? There is a way to make your home what you want it to be but it requires you to take action.


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